Enrolments in Koonung's fantastic instrumental music program are now open. If you are interested in learning more about our program, please click here for student testimonials and performance videos
Why choose the Koonung Secondary College Instrumental Music Program?
To enrol in the music program please refer to the following link:
Instrumental Music Program 2023
Koonung's music program aims to provide a wide range of opportunities for students to follow theory musical interest with:
The benefits of music as a subject within the whole curriculum are well known. Students who join the Music Program integrate into the school community quickly. This is due to the blend of year levels involved in the Music ensembles and intensive individual connections with instrumental staff.
Learning an instrument (including Voice) enhances learning in other subjects and assists personal development. Most of the student College leaders are involved in the Music Program. Many students who achieve high scores in VCE have musical training. It has clear benefits across the curriculum.
Further information on the wide ranging benefits of Music can be found at www.amc-music.org
The value of music education
A quality instrumental music education is fundamentally important in the development of your child. Research shows that learning music can help your child in many ways, improving:
Our Instrumental Music Program provides excellent opportunities for students to learn and participate in music performances and prepare for VCE music. Students may also choose to be prepared for AMEB examinations. The Department of Education and Training (DET) funds the program, however, the funds provided are not sufficient to run a comprehensive Music Program. This situation means that fees are charged and used to maintain and purchase equipment as well as assist with providing additional staff for lessons and ensemble classes.
Note: Students are required to commit to the Instrumental Music Program for the full year. Instrumental music staff may take classes in small groups, especially at the beginner level.
Students enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program are required to participate in one core ensemble weekly rehearsal. This is a DET policy and funding is dependent on the number of students in core ensembles. Students are welcome to audition for the other ensembles but enrolment is determined by attendance at the initially selected core ensemble.
Core Ensembles:
Auditioned Ensembles:
Instruments offered: