Select Entry Enhancement @ Koonung (SEE@K) Program

Koonung Secondary College is a school which caters for students with differing abilities and interests. We encourage students to develop at their own pace and we celebrate their different talents and skills. Students who are highly able often have needs which require special attention, and it is for this reason that the SEE@K Program has been introduced. 
The SEE@K Program caters for students in Years 7 to 9. It is a program which allows students to progress through school with their age-peers. Students’ learning in core subjects is enhanced with rich tasks and challenging texts which promote a sophisticated academic outlook. Teachers work differently with students in SEE@K classes, compared with those in mainstream classes.  The focus is on high-level discussion and analysis, with a strong emphasis on developing excellence in both written and spoken dimensions. Students are encouraged to become effective, self-directed managers of their learning.


Developing Leaders

Koonung Secondary College is a high-performing coeducational school located in Melbourne’s leafy east. The SEE@K program is an integral element of the College’s commitment to differentiated teaching and learning that caters to the needs of highly able students and extends them through challenging activities.


Through effort and teamwork, students strive for excellence, take risks and learn from challenges. With both a global and community-focused outlook, and core respect for diversity, our students seek creative solutions to problems and strive to make a difference. Future leaders are open to learning, have self-belief, communicate well and care about issues beyond the individual and students from the SEE@K program frequently become leaders in our school community.


What sort of students are suited to the program?
SEE@K suits students who:

  • are strong readers and read widely
  • write with sophistication and develop well-reasoned arguments
  • speak with confidence
  • take risks and embrace challenge
  • ask questions and seek deep understanding
  • pursue independent learning        


Growth through challenge

SEE@K students progress with their age-peers enabling them to participate in a range of valuable development programs, such as Live Life, with students across their year level. 


In senior years, students have the opportunity to accelerate in their studies by undertaking a VCE study in Year 10. Highly proficient and motivated students are encouraged to complete a VCE university-enhancement subject in their final year, in preparation for tertiary studies.  Students interested in the performing Arts find Koonung’s drama productions and musicals wonderful and fulfilling experiences.  Koonung enjoys relationships with many local community groups, and these give students real opportunities to be involved in social initiatives.

Expressions of Interest

Places in the SEE@K program are limited.  Students should first apply for enrolment at Koonung Secondary College.  Applications for the SEE@K program will be available only to those enrolled at Koonung. Information on the process will be emailed with the enrolment packages in August.


Selection for the SEE@K program will entail general aptitude testing (Edutest). 


Testing will occur this year in Term 4 (date to be advised) for entry into the Year 7 program in the following year. A link will be provided for registration via an email during the College enrolment process.  


Please direct any inquiries to:


Lydia Tomic

High-ability Practice Leader